Fixie Bike & Mini-pump
Game Ready Asset
The Focal 44 fixie bike is a love letter to cycling and game art. I created the Focal 44 based on my on 1st fixie bike in 3Ds Max and then baked the low poly in Marmoset Viewer. I comped some beauty shots in Photoshop of what an AD campaign would look like.
Marmoset Render

Mini Air-Pump
Game Ready Asset
Wanted to model a more cylindrical prop and see how things would bake to more simple geometry. So I decided upon the Mini-Air pump which I use when I'm out riding.

AC Unit
Game Ready Asset
The AC Unit was modeled in 3Ds Max and then baked the low poly in Marmoset Viewer. I comped some beauty shots in Photoshop. This was one of most complex prop I have taken to the Low Poly stage.

Game Ready Asset
For this prop I wanted to create a complex prop and see how low I could go with the geometry. The boxcutter provided that challenge. For the modeling I used 3ds Max, with Z-brush, then baked out the maps in Marmoset. The Texturing was done in Substance Painter and lighting and presentation was done in Marmoset.

Game Ready Asset
I had came across some fantastic concept art and wanted to try my hand at game creation pipeline. I choose an object that simple yet complex. I started the project in 3DS Max and created the high-poly model. I then made a simple low poly version to bake the high-poly onto. Once the bakes were finalized, I took the Low-poly and maps into substance painter for further material creation.